UNIPSO (Union des entreprises Ć  profit social) is the Belgian inter-sectoral confederation of employers of the social-profit sector (non-profit sector) in Wallonia and in the Wallonia-Brussels Federation. The organisation represents 31 employers’ federations from both the private and public sector.

WEBSITE: https://www.unipso.be/

The represented employers organisations are active in the fields of education, socio-cultural matters, environment, public health, socio-professional integration, social action and health insurance. Accommodation and care for the elderly, for disabled or vulnerable people, health and home care, youth protection and child services are further sectors in which they are involved.

UNIPSO defends the common interest of non-profit organisations. The organisation supports employers as service providers in order to guarantee beneficiaries the accessibility and quality of social services.

UNIPSO is a full member of the Federation of European Social Employers.