Building social dialogue in social services: Trainings at national level

The trainings in Romania (FONSS), Greece (Margarita), Portugal (Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco) and Poland (WRZOS) aimed to promote social dialogue , with a special focus on how to develop social dialogue structures in social services.
The capacity building trainings were held in the framework of the FORSEE project, which aims at strengthening EU social dialogue in social services, develop capacity building of national-level social partners and promote the attractiveness of the sector.
The first day of the training provided and introduction to social dialogue at EU and national level, including the respective national contexts through a report drafted by a national researcher for each country.
The second day focused on discussing concrete experiences and practices from countries with a strong social dialogue tradition. Participants had the opportunity to provide their views throughout the training day on how some of the examples could inspire national practices.
The fruitful meetings brought together employers’ and employees’ representatives at national level for a better outcome.
These national trainings will be followed by national events in Romania, Greece and Poland to reflect on how to tackle social services attractiveness issues in these countries.