A European approach to micro-credentials: The Social Employers position

The Social Employers submitted its position for the European Commission’s public consultation on a European approach to micro-credentials, highlighting opportunities for the social services sector and the role of social dialogue.
The main objective of the consultation was to collect ideas to develop a common definition for micro-credentials and establish EU standards for their quality and transparency.
The Social Employers supports this initiative to boost the recognition and value of micro-credentials, which can potentially be a useful tool for the social services sector’s existing workforce, for newcomers and persons disadvantaged in the labour market, to update their knowledge, skills and competences.
The development of a common definition of micro-credentials could have an added value for the social services sector by:
- Improving access to lifelong learning opportunities;
- Recognising and valorising the knowledge and the skills of workers;
- Promoting re-skilling and upskilling, which is important to meet current and future needs of the sector;
- Facilitating quicker and easier access to paid work for groups who are disadvantaged in the labour market – such as people with disabilities or migrants.
The Social Employers also highlight the importance of dialogue between social partners at all levels to assess challenges and needs related to skills and training and of involving social partners in the development of common European standards for micro-credentials.
Access the full position, here.