Enhancing Social Dialogue and Workforce Developments in Social Services – FORTE Project

The FORTE Project has succesfully came to an end. A significant initiative focused on the role of social partners in improving working conditions, skills, and training needs in the social services sector.
The evidence and good practices gathered in this project are collected in two different reports. The first report “Evolution of jobs, skills and training needs in social services” highlights the needs of the social services sector in the field of skills and training, linked to evolving needs of service users and new models of care. The extended summary report is avaialble in: English, French, German and Spanish.
The second report “Improving working conditions in social services” presents a collection of 18 good practices from 10 countries aiming to improve working conditions in the sector, with a focus on social partner actions and collective bargaining. This report looks at inspiring social services initiatives to develop actions that mitigate occupational risks and broadly improve working conditions. By reinforcing well-being at work and job satisfaction, these actions will help attracting and retaining the workforce needed to meet the growing care and support needs of changing societies.
The good practices are grouped under the following topics:
- Assessment of working conditions
- Prevention of physical risks
- Prevention of psychosocial risks
- Welcoming and supporting staff
- Improving work-life balance
- Support learning, skills and training
The summary of this report is available in: English, French, German, and Spanish
As we conclude the FORTE project, we are confident that the outcomes will continue providing a basis for joint discussions and outputs in the framework of the Sectoral Social Dialogue Committee for Social Services and future joint projects.
All the project deliverables are available on the Social Employers FORTE Project webpage.