The FORESEE project aims to further build capacities of social partners in social services at national and EU level and by doing so, help the sector better manage current and future challenges, such as its attractiveness.
Duration: February 2021 – February 2023
Funding: European Commission, DG Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion, Support for social dialogue.

- Report: Impact of Covid-19 on the social services sector and the role of social dialogue
- 1st European Thematic Meetings
- 2nd European Thematic Meetings
- The Social Employers and EPSU joint Position Paper on the forthcoming European Care Strategy
- The Social Employers and EPSU joint statement: European Care Strategy: Member States Must Act Now!
- Social dialogue training programme & implementation in 4 countries
- Report on social services sector’s attractiveness challenges and good practices
- National events to promote policy recommendations and strategies related to attractiveness
- Final Conference
For more information, please contact:
Alina Pavicevac
Project & Policy Officer