FORTE Project aims to gather evidence and highlight the needs of the social services sector in the field of skills and training, linked to evolving needs of service users and new models of care.
The project will also address the need to ensure safe and healthy working conditions in the sector, to be able to attract and retain the workforce needed to respond to the growing care and support needs of changing societies.
Special attention will be paid to the role of social partners and collective bargaining in managing changing job profiles, skills, and training needs, and ensuring better working conditions.
Duration: August 2022 – July 2024
Funding: European Commission, DG Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion, Support for social dialogue

- One study on the evolution of jobs, skills and training needs in social services, with a focus on the role of social partners in managing such changes. Report available here.
- Thematic seminar with social partners to discuss the main findings of the study on the evolution of jobs, skills and training. Presentations available here.
- A report on improving working conditions in social services, with a collection of good practices from social dialogue/collective bargaining. Report available here.
- Thematic seminar with social partners to discuss the report on improving working conditions. Presentations available here.
- E-newsletters: 1st newsletter, 2nd newsletter, 3rd newsletter, 4th newsletter, 5th newsletter.
- A final conference to present the project outcomes.
For more information, please contact:
Alina Pavicevac
Project & Policy Officer