The National Association of Socially Responsible Employers (NASOR) is a Bulgarian employers’ organisation whose main objective is to intensify work with employers and service providers, including in the disability field, in order to enhance the contribution to improved social inclusion and the quality of life of the population.


NASOR is an NGO operating on a national scale, whose main objectives are:

  • Implement activities for the benefit of the whole society, contributing to the improvement of the quality of life of people in need of support, and in general of the quality of life of all, living and working in Bulgaria;
  • Support the development of social service providers, employers of people with disabilities and other social structures, to encourage their contribution to improving social inclusion and the quality of life of the population;
  • Support the development of socially responsible employers to increase their contribution to the social development of Bulgaria, implementation of fair pay policies, provision and development of human resources;
  • Motivate and promote the activity of the socially responsible employers, realizing the support of the society, by providing employment, donations, sponsorship and other socially responsible activities;
  • Motivate municipalities, local and regional structures and other institutions to create a socially responsible environment and policies for social development and a better life.

NASOR is a full member of the Federation of European Social Employers.