New Board Members & New Social Dialogue Committee

On 11 October, during the Governance meetings in Brussels, the Social Employers General Assembly designated the new Board members for the next four-year term. In a consequent Board meeting, elections were held for the positions of President, Vice-Presidents, Secretary and Treasurer.
The Board is now made up of 14 members, one full member or associate member per country in which the Social Employers have members.
The General Assembly also discussed the organisation of the new European Sectoral Social Dialogue Committee (SSDC) for social services, the Social Employers delegation and the draft work program, which will be discussed during the first SSDC meeting that will be held on 12 December 2023.
The purpose of the Committee will be to engage in a structured dialogue and negotiation process between social partners (employers and workers) at European level. It will also help ensuring that the interests and needs of the social services sector are taken into account in EU policies and legislation.
In the framework of the to be discussed work programme, Social partners should address specific challenges for better working conditions and to improve the sector’s attractiveness to ensure quality services.