Online Event on Improving working conditions in social services: Recommendations on risk prevention and wellbeing at work

On 22 October the Social Employers hosted an online event together with EPSU in the framework of the IWorCon project. The event focused on initiatives for risk prevention and promotion of healthier and more inclusive work environments in social services across Europe.
It brought together experts at national and EU level, employers and employee’s representatives and other relevant stakeholders to discuss and present recommendations for enhancing occupational safety and health and wellbeing at work.
Lorenzo Munar, EU-OSHA, presented current occupational safety and health (OSH) data for the health and social care sectors. The data reveals that health and social care are among the sectors with the highest percentage of workers reporting that their health or safety is at risk because of work. For example, a significant percentage of workers in the sector are exposed to musculoskeletal risks. Additionally, the percentage of establishments reporting psychosocial risk factors is notably higher in health and social care compared to other sectors. Despite these challenges, the data also showed that the percentage of establishments regularly conducting workplace risk assessments is above the EU average compared to other sectors.
Dr. Anne Guisset, from HIVA KU Leuven, then introduced the IWorCon research process, which led to the development of the final recommendations on risk prevention and workplace wellbeing. This process has been highly interactive and participatory, involving collaboration with researchers, national project partners, the Social Employers, and EPSU. The interconnectedness of all topics was carefully considered throughout the process.
Project partners then presented the key proposals for actions on each topic. The 10 topics are:
Risk assessment and prevention
- OSH risks assessment at organisation level
- Improving physical health at work
- Improving mental health at work
- Management’s training on OSH risks prevention
- Managing change and impact on the workforce
Wellbeing at work
- Preventing occupational disintegration and job reintegration
- Work-life balance
- Diversity management and gender perspective
- Ageing at the workplace
- Skills leading to better jobs
These recommendations offer practical pathways for organisations to strengthen their approaches to employee safety and wellbeing.
The event concluded encouraging to stakeholders to implement these recommendations and adapt them, in response to current and future challenges.
Supporting documents