Current projects

- Promote gender equality in care support services.
- Strengthen the competencies of employers and workers in gender equality in the workplace.
- Assess and challange care stereotypes and gender gaps

- Prepare and equip the LTC workforce with the necessary skills.
- Encourage and facilitate the digital and person-centered care transformations occurring within the LTC sector.

- Examine the care labour market (ECEC and LTC) and its industrial relations
- Impact of the development of collective bargaining on working conditions

- Improve working conditions in the social services sector
- Attractiveness
- Capacity building for employers’ organisations
Past projects

- Guidelines and recommendations to employ foreign workers in the social sevices sector
- Vocational training program for HR and managers

EU-OSHA Campaign “Healthy Workplaces – Lighten the load”
- Raise awareness on MSDs.
- Discuss the impact of MSDs on the social services workforce and how to prevent them in the sector, including via the involvement of social partners.

- Improve the attractiveness of the social services sector.
- Further build capacities of social partners in social services at national and EU level.
- Better manage current and future challenges.

- Working conditions and employment relations in the care sector.
- Trade unions and employer associations’ strategies.

- Develop training courses to enhance digital competences of professional caregivers, to better support persons with disabilities & their families.

- Strengthen the capacity of social partners in social services.
- Engage at national and European level in order to set up the adequate (national and EU) sectoral social dialogue structures.

- Strengthen the capacity of the Federation of European Social Employers, in view of its participation in European Social Dialogue structures.

PESSIS Projects (I,II,III)
- Promoting employers’ social services in social dialogue.
The PESSIS projects aimed at the creation of a European network to represent employers in the social sector and eventually led to the founding of the Federation of European Social Employers in October 2017.