Representativeness of the European social partner organisations in social services

Eurofound has published its Representativeness Study for social services, a key report for the sector at EU level. The Social Employers are identified as the most representative employers’ organisation for the non-profit and for-profit parts of social services.
The study was published in late December 2020 and aims to provide key data on the EU social services sector, its characteristics, scope, and workforce. It also identifies the relevant national and European social partner organisations in the EU Member States + UK.
The study, carried out on behalf of the European Commission, evaluates whether the Social Employers meet the criteria to be recognised as a representative European social partner organisation.
It finds that with 25 affiliated national social services employer organisations in 16 Member States and two European associations, the Social Employers has the strongest representativeness among non-profit and for-profit parts of social services.
On the European trade unions side, our social partner, the European Federation of Public Service Unions (EPSU) is identified as the most representative in social services. This study is an important milestone towards recognised European sectoral social dialogue for the social services sector.
Have access to the full report here.