Social Dialogue

The Federation of European Social Employers represents national employers in social services at EU level. The national employers are involved in negotiations with workers representatives, in view of ensuring decent jobs and working conditions for a skilled workforce. These negotiations also aim to improve the sector’s attractiveness and are a condition for the quality of the services they provide to persons with social support needs.

European Social Dialogue involves negotiations between social partners (employers and workers representatives) at European level. In July 2023, the European Commission set up a European sectoral social dialogue committee for social services. The Federation of European Social Employers, joined by CEMR, engage in this Committee with their trade union counterpart, the European Federation of Public Service Unions (EPSU).

Prior to the setup of the Committee, the Social Employers and EPSU developed a wide range of joint statements, position papers and thematic seminars on relevant topics for the sector. Through recognised social dialogue they will go further and inform of new developments on this page.

Joint Outcomes



  • Joint statement – European Care Strategy: Member States must act now! EN, DE, FR, ES, IT, PT, EL, PL, RO, SV.


  • Joint statement – The situation in Ukraine. EN.Joint Declaration – European Care Strategy: strong social dialogue in social services needed. EN, DE, FR, ES.


  • Joint Position Paper  – The forthcoming European Care Strategy. EN, DE, FR, ES.
  • Joint Statement – The importance of developing social dialogue in the Social Economy. EN.


  • Joint Position Paper – Preparing the social services sector for the COVID-19 resurgence and increasing its resilience. EN.
  • Joint Statement – The Covid-19 Outbreak and Impact on Social Services. EN, DE, FR, ES, IT.
  • Joint Position Paper – Recruitment and retention in European Social Services.  EN, DE, FR, ES, IT, PT, EL,SV, RO, HU.


  • Joint Position Paper – Digitalisation in the social services sector. EN, DE, FR, ES, FI, IT, SV.
  • Joint letter – Building EU social dialogue for the social services sector. EN.