Social Employers co-host event in European Social Economy Summit

On 29 October the Social Employers participated in a roadmap event of the European Social Economy Summit (EUSES).
The Social Employers co-hosted an online session on the impact of digitalisation on the social economy, more precisely on working conditions, organisational processes, and the nature and quality of services. The session also discussed the role of European social dialogue and social partners.
In the first part of the session, Alina Pavicevac from the Federation of European Social Employers and Jakob Embacher from the European Federation of Public Service Unions (EPSU) introduced opportunities and challenges linked to new digital technologies and outlined collective bargaining and social dialogue as fundamental tools in digitalisation processes.
Together, the Social Employers and EPSU brought the following key messages to the EUSES:
- Digital technologies can help provide high quality social services that are designed to promote the independence, quality of life and wellbeing of service users.
- Digital transformations should be implemented safely and responsibly, by actively involving management (and employers’ organisations) and workers (and their representatives, including trade unions).
- Social dialogue and collective bargaining are fundamental tools to organise the introduction of new technologies, make best use of opportunities and mitigate possible negative effects.
Further on, Mathieu de Poorter, Economic Advisor at UNIPSO, Belgium, introduced a study on the impacts of digitalisation on the care services sector. The study identifies innovative and emerging digital technologies, the main issues and controversies at hand and organisational and strategical dynamics. It also formulates political recommendation to public authorities.
Sebastien Darrigrand, General Director at UDES, France, presented the main results of their study on digitalisation and working conditions in the French social economy, paving the way for social partner negotiations on the issue.