Social Employers initiatives on COVID-19

Since the beginning of the Coronavirus pandemic, the Social Employers has taken actions to support social services in facing the numerous challenges.
The COVID-19 outbreak and its spread across Europe has presented major challenges at all levels and put a lot of pressure on the social services sector, adding to already pre-existing financing and staffing difficulties. It has put at risk the provision of essential services to millions of EU citizens in need of care and support.
Due to the impact of the pandemic on the social services employers and in general on the sector, the Social Employers put in place and participated in a set of initiatives and actions to address these challenges and to support the continuous care provision to older persons, persons with disabilities, children and other people in need of care and support.
The Social Employers Initiatives on Covid-19:
- Collection of actions and recommendations from the Social Employers’ members
- Four joint statements
- Survey with Social Employers’ partners
- Three webinars
- Communication and dissemination activities
- Project proposal with a focus on COVID-19
For more information, read our briefing note here.