Social services employers' organisations in Europe: study visit in France

The IWorCon partners from France, Elisfa and Nexem hosted a delegation of employers’ organisations from the social services sector, in the framework of the project on 28 and 29 March.
Elisfa is the employers’ union for social and early childhood centres, and Nexem is the main representative of the not-for-profit employers in the social services sector in France, both members of the Social Employers.
Representatives from employers’ organisations from Belgium, the Netherlands, Greece, Romania and Bulgaria spent two days learning about the social and medico-social system and industrial relations in France. Experts from Elisfa and Nexem presented diverse topics, ranging from financing and management aspects to insightful initiatives in vocational training, occupational health and safety, and digital transformation.
The role of social dialogue in France and its structure was discussed during a presentation led by the trade union CFDT santé-sociaux, member of EPSU. Through exchanges, attendees had the opportunity to analyse the nuances and disparities between social dialogue systems in other countries. The participants also explored the communication and influence strategies at both, national and regional level.
This meeting was part of a series of six visits organised in the framework of the IWorCon project, co-funded by the European Union. It fosters collaboration, knowledge exchange, and best practices within the dynamic landscape of the social services sector.
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