The Social Employers participation at the 24th international professional conference in the High Tatras

On April 24 and 25, 2024, the Association of Social Service Providers in the Slovak Republic (APSS v SR) hosted its 24th international professional conference in the of the High Tatras. The event, chaired by APSS v SR President Anna Ghannamova, focused on “Modern Social Services in Slovakia and Europe – Stabilising the Workforce.”
The conference began with an opening speech by Gregor Tomschizek, President of the Social Employers. In his address, Tomschizek highlighted the working conditions and salaries of social service employees, drawing comparisons across Europe.
This was followed by a panel discussion featuring prominent figures such as Erik Tomas, the Slovakian Minister of Labour and Social Affairs, and Dr. Jan Nosko, Vice President of the Slovakian Association of Cities. The panel delved into the current state of social services in Slovakia.
The Social Employers Vice President, Jiri Horecky, also delivered a presentation. He provided valuable information on EU funding for social services and introduced the outcomes of the HELPDESK project. A major initiative to supporting social services in better accessing and using EU funds and on helping Managing Authorities to use EU funds (ESF+, ERDF and ReactEU in particular) to finance quality interventions in the field of social services. The session was interactive, with over 300 participants engaging in a lively Q&A session.
The Social Employers extend their heartfelt congratulations to APSS v SR for organizing such a successful and impactful event