The Social Employers Welcome New Members and Adopt Annual Activity Report at General Assembly

On 28 May, the Social Employers held their Board meeting and General Assembly in Brussels. During the meeting, the application of two new members was welcomed: Unisoc from Belgium and AESTE from Spain, further expanding the network’s reach and influence across Europe. The Social Employers has now 33 members in 20 countries.

Unisoc is an employers’ organisation for the Social Services of General Interest (SSGI) from Belgium. It represents over 33.000 non-profit-making organisations and over 760.000 employees in Belgium. AESTE is a sectoral business organisation, aiming at guarantying quality elderly care assistance. It represents 18 professional entities in the sector in Spain.

In addition to welcoming new members, the assembly also focused on the adoption of the annual activity report. The report highlights the achievements and progress made over 2023, one of the highlights of the year was the establishment of the new European Social Dialogue Committee for Social Services. This committee, which brings together employers (Social Employers and CEMR) and trade unions of the sector (EPSU, with the participation of UNI and CESI) aims to improve working conditions and enhance the attractiveness of the social services sector.

The Social Employers also organised and participated in 26 events at both national and EU levels and was part of 6 projects. Together with EPSU, they released a joint statement on the European Care Strategy and conducted with the cooperation of Nexem a report on Evolving jobs, skills and training needs in social services.

Read the Annual Activity report HERE.